
6.8 kg baby girl was born Jilin appetite worry that the whole family

February 6, Tonghua City, under the 26-year-old woman Panshu Di cesarean apple powerbook g4 laptop battery of a healthy baby girl weighing 6.8 kg, this baby's weight is almost twice the normal weight babies. The child's appetite for big, breast-feeding was not enough, also need to supplement formula. Little guy to eat five or six times a day of milk, a bag of milk powder for three days eat no more. Father monthly wage thousand dollars for the month of wait have leave his wife. For the whole family is now "big eaters," the milk money worry.

Mouth little guy busy for family emergency

Yesterday morning, the reporter went to the Pan Shudi home, a door to hear the baby crying sound crisp. "Hurry up, powdered milk, the children crying and hungry, hurry things!" Maternal Panshu Di said. Dad Yuan Kuifeng deft in the kitchen will be red milk is good, try to pick up the bottle into the forehead temperature, quickly ran into the bedroom and handed the bottle to his wife. Although the powdered milk is fast, the child still can not wait, cry, his voice quite large. Little guy to drink milk, they will not cry out.

Yuan Kuifeng family living sony vgp-bpl2 battery, a white steel frame sub, above the sideways three iron bars, iron bars above take full clean diapers. "This shelf is my welding, specifically used for baby diapers to dry. Baby is eat, I have to wash many times a day diapers ... ..." Yuankui Feng said, laughing.

Large that the twin pregnancy belly

Baby toot meat, big arms, thick legs, big round face, eyes narrowed in seam. Baby hair an inch long, glossy black. "At birth, the doctor said the child was very dark hair." Pan Shudi very happy to say.

Yuankui Feng, 35, his wife of 26 years of age, both of whom are Tonghua City mayor flow loop through village. Two on May 16 last year, registration of marriage, Pan Shudi 5 at the end of pregnancy, an average of three or four months to do a B-. More than 7 months of pregnancy when the belly Pan Shudi significantly higher than the same period of the other big belly pregnant women out of a circle, family and friends all thought was pregnant with the twins. He then went to the hospital for examination to confirm the stomach to a child. Pan Shudi February 6 cesarean birth in the hospital that the baby, when a weighed, even 6.8 kg, and the doctors were surprised, this is the first time they see the birth weight is so heavy! Medical staff have affectionately called this baby as "Miss fertilizer."

No pregnancy at home was not good, "special treatment"

Yuan Kuifeng a pharmaceutical factory in Tonghua City, to work, wages are only 1,000 yuan a month. Pan Shudi wife did not work. Two loans bought a house in the city of Tonghua, the family economic situation is not very good. "My family with limited financial resources, she does not eat well during pregnancy." Yuankui Feng said. When his toshiba satellite a75 series battery is not pregnant at 75 kg body weight, pregnancy weight rapidly, kids are born more than 100 kilograms of weight are. Special treatment during pregnancy did not eat, what to buy cheap vegetables, fruits, too, bananas which are regarded as good for him. Child was born did not think would be so heavy. Now, his wife went back to the 80 kg weight was.

Family guilty of child appetite worry

"Because after a pre-production period, probably in the stomach to hold back the child after birth into the incubator. And the children too, fixed some small size incubator, which suited the child is always crying." Yuankui Feng said. Some low blood sugar after birth, has been in the hospital these days infusion, to February 13 was discharged from hospital, spent a total of 8000 yuan of money.

At present, the little guy mainly breast-fed, but the little guys eat too much, the milk supply does not, the Pan Shudi to have to add milk to the children. "As we say the body is not great loss, words not at all fake, baby physical and strong, eat five or six times a day, eat a baby than normal, do not eat a bag of milk powder for three days. Usually children are all very strong and kick of children. "Panshu Di said.

During the interview, Pan Shudi turn on the TV playing the disc, the music inside the house much. "I get the larger voice, her children are not afraid of movement, slowly adapting, and courage on the big."

"I usually broad-minded, what matter can be upset, eat drink, and have much to complain of nausea during pregnancy, and other symptoms, still eat drink, and the related estimates." Panshu Di said.

According to Yuan Kuifeng speaking, his mother died in a car accident last year, Pan Shudi parents have jobs, but also very busy, all tied up. In order to serve on sub-wife, Yuan Kuifeng took leave of absence to the unit, such as the full moon of his children go to work to make money. "I am now happy and anxious, happy that the family gave birth to a healthy big baby, the child is too anxious to eat, and is a" big eaters ", breast milk was not enough to eat, have to subsidize milk, the children gradually long large, increasing the appetite. children spent part of the money, now is not well-off family. "

6.8 kg newborn may be the most important in our province

Reproductive Health Center of Tonghua City, according to Dr. Lu Guifen introduction, the hospital had had a birth weight of the baby boy weighing 6.3 kg. In the medical sony vgp-bpl5a battery, these children are "great child", "great child" born to be quickly fed glucose water, and then re-feeding regulation, it will avoid hypoglycemia occurred. View from the baby's weight, it may be the most important neonatal Jilin Province.

